Please contact Carmen Hardy, our Communications Coordinator, with questions.
Doors & Desktops
We admit we are pretty proud of our doors – keeping them open so we are accessible, as well as adorning them with what's important to us. In lieu of walking our Clark B hallway to see compelling editorial cartoons, important event notices, meaningful memes and much more, please find our messages here. (Severin, Laurence, Sara and others who wear theirs, t-shirt pics are definitely welcome!)
Keeping Our Spirits Up
Sharing Who and What Inspires Us
Dear COVID-19: A personal note from Chancellor Tony Frank
"We are strongest together — and you have reminded us of that, in ways we should never have forgotten." – April 27 e-newsletter
William Helmreich, Sociologist and Distinguished Professor at City College and the City University of New York’s Graduate Center
"...he walked every block in New York — totaling 6,163 miles — and wrote a book about his odyssey. He died of the coronavirus." – published March 30
American Sociological Association's public magazine for social research puts out special edition
From KuoRay Mao on April 13: ASA's public magazine, Contexts, has published a special issue on COVID-19.
That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
From Carmen Hardy on March 26: Personally I have found this article very helpful, here it is if useful to others.
"If we can name it, perhaps we can manage it."
"We Know You are Capable of Great Things" – an Inspirational Video Message for CSU Students
From Blanche Hughes, Sociology Alum and CSU's Vice President for Student Affairs, on April 13.
Encouragement video from CSU's "Best Teacher" Faculty
From KuoRay Mao at 1:40 from start: "The world will need solution makers to help us better prepare for the future...Fight on!" – sent to students March 24
College made them feel equal. The virus exposed how unequal their lives are.
"When they were all in the same dorms and eating the same dining hall food, the disparities in students’ backgrounds weren’t as clear as they are over video chat." – published April 4
This is no time for panic or cynicism
Steve Dandaneau, submitted this op ed in early March: "It’s not just panic that threatens to distort thinking, but cynicism too. Let me explain."
Academia in the Time of Covid-19: Our Chance to Develop an Ethics of Care
From Josh Sbicca on April 3: I came across this thoughtful article about the need to take this pandemic as an opportunity to improve our academic ethics of care. In many respects, our department reflects these ethics. I hope that this article can provide further ideas for reflection and practices to implement.
Impact Felt Near & Far
As we follow CSU's Keep Teaching, Keep Learning, and Keep Working intiatives, we are also finding new ways to continue our research, outreach and engagement as CSU's land-grant mission in action. We are proud of our alumni who are solving problems and improving lives near and far – every day and especially now. Stay strong, Rams!

Staci Shaffer has inspired a unique collaboration among Larimer County Jail inmates, Bob at Maggie's Sewing and Vacuum (below), and Summitstone Health Partners.

Tales From Behind the Webcam
Inspiration Overheard
In a hallway with open doors, we inadvertently eavesdrop on a lot of conversations. Here are some insightful and inspirational comments we've seen or heard virtually.
"I know a student who drives over 10 miles each way to access wifi."
Please submit a story or two of your own.
Please check back soon for more.
Spring 2020 Graduation Reflections & Well Wishes
Sociology faculty came together virtually to create this celebratory video for grads.