Classroom Projects & Beyond

Developing Useful Skillsets

Sociology at CSU offers unique undergraduate experiences as part of a land-grant Carnegie I Research University. Here we celebrate all three aspects of teaching, community engagement and research, and we blend them all in what we do. This allows for undergraduate research opportunities and skillset development that are very transferable into the marketplace. 

You may participate in research anytime throughout your college career. As your senior capstone, you have the option of doing an independent research project through SOC403 for 3 credits. Seize this opportunity to reflect upon your understanding of sociology and apply your studies to an area of your choice.

Recent Undergraduate Research & Outreach Projects

Jason Downing and SOC students win service-learning awards

By Sociology Communications | May 7, 2021

Each year, CSU celebrates the teaching, research and service achievements of students, alumni and friends, academic faculty, administrative professionals and classified staff with Celebrate! Colorado State awards. This year, Jason Downing, Sociology students and the Food Bank for Larimer County were recognized as the 2021 Celebrate! Colorado State Service-Learning Award winners. Exceptional Achievement in Service-Learning […]

Pat Hastings and Kassie Roeser published by Social Forces

By Sociology Communications | December 1, 2020

Orestes (Pat) Hastings and Kassandra K. Roeser (B.A. ’18) published “Happiness in Hard Times: Does Religion Buffer the Negative Effect of Unemployment on Happiness?” in Social Forces. Dr. Hastings and Kassie wrote this paper while she was an undergrad in our Environmental Sociology concentration. She is now pursuing her master’s degree in Sociology at Stanford. […]

Prague study abroad program in 13th year of expanding students’ global perspectives

By Sociology Communications | July 1, 2018

This summer faculty-led program introduces students to international crime and criminal justice with attention to the Czech Republic.

Students collaborate with the Environmental Defense Fund

By Sociology Communications | December 11, 2017

Students in Jeni Cross’s Applied Social Change course partnered with the Environmental Defense Fund on a real-world project to protect Monarch habitats.

Jessica Gutierrez presents at CURC Showcase

By Carmen Ruyle Hardy | April 23, 2020

Jessica Gutierrez is a senior General SOC major with a minor in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies. In spring 2020, she presented her research poster, “Representative Leadership for Students of Color” at CSU’s annual Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) juried showcase. Her research was initially sparked by her friends’ reluctance to join her in leadership positions that represent […]

Students Created Drone-Captured Protest Art About Social Inequality in the Choice City

By Carmen Ruyle Hardy | May 11, 2019

Students in Josh Sbicca’s SOC474 Social Movements course create protest art around gentrification, homelessness, spatial inequality, and xenophobia.

Sociology faculty and students are involved with many Research Centers