Find Your People
Our sociology department supports two student associations, Criminal Justice Organization (CJO) and Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) Honor Society. Both offer many opportunities to share your interests, take on leadership roles, spearhead projects, hear from guest speakers, participate in learning and service projects, and much more!
Studying sociology provides students with unique insights and opportunities to become allies and advocates for their peers. Leadership opportunities exist both within the College of Liberal Arts and at the University level for students to practice what they’ve learned in class through compassionate leadership and service to their fellow students.
Criminal Justice Organization
The Criminal Justice Organization (CJO) at CSU is a student-led club dedicated to providing undergraduates with opportunities to explore their interests related to the diverse fields of criminology and the criminal processing system. CJO offers its members a variety of meaningful social and professional opportunities including meet-and-greets with professionals, field trips, organized volunteer opportunities, and on-campus social events.

Membership is open to every CSU student regardless of major. A small membership fee applies and is used to fund CJO events.
Please email Dr. Jeff Nowacki
Additional Leadership Opportunities
Sociology Undergraduate Representative
Juniors and seniors may apply for this role that serves as the student voice in Sociology's departmental governance. Applications open at the beginning of each semester. The student selected to serve may elect to receive 1 Sociology independent study credit. Apply here.
- Attend all the Department Council and Undergraduate Council meetings with faculty and staff to discuss undergraduate issues.
- Elicit feedback from other students about concerns and ideas, and share with the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
- Participate in job search activities for new faculty being considered for hire.
- Participate in ongoing assessments of undergraduate activities and making recommendations for new activities.
- Meet, as necessary throughout the semester, with the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Dean's Leadership Council
In the College of Liberal Arts, the Dean's Leadership Council allows for a student representative from the sociology department to represent the interests of their fellow department undergraduates and act as a liaison between students and the Dean’s Office.
Associated Students at Colorado State University
At the University level, getting involved in the legislative, judicial, or executive branch of student government – otherwise known as ASCSU, can be a great way to serve the department, college, and university student population through advocating for justice and positive social change.
Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement
For additional leadership and involvement opportunities, check out the SLiCE office on campus. Programs such as Campus Step Up: A Social Justice Retreat, the Alternative Spring Break program, and many of the over 450 student organizations can provide rewarding and relevant involvement opportunities to complement your studies in sociology.