Beyond ‘The Lion King:’ Why are cultural stereotypes still found at zoos, museums?
CSU Associate Professor Jessie Luna recently spoke to CSU’s The Audit about how cultural stereotypes impact our everyday lives, even during a simple trip to the zoo.
CSU Associate Professor Jessie Luna recently spoke to CSU’s The Audit about how cultural stereotypes impact our everyday lives, even during a simple trip to the zoo.
After everyone moved out, Clark B demolition started in Summer 2024. Included in this article are department and unit relocations, access to Clark C, and what to expect in fall.
Ram Talks
With Clark B under construction, CSU Sociology has relocated to 1100 Meridian Avenue, Building A, at the corner of Pitkin & Meridian. We are directly north of the Alumni Center at Canvas Stadium, at the former site of CSU’s beloved Aylesworth Hall. Drop by to visit us in our new “clubhouse”! Art & Art History […]
Thorson previously served as the associate dean for strategic initiatives in the College of Communication Arts & Sciences at Michigan State University.
Redirecting misplaced enthusiasm to “save the honeybees,” understanding migration during humanitarian crises such as in Gaza, and accounting for the missing costs of climate change are the topics which won funding from CSU’s School of Global Environmental Sustainability.
The College of Liberal Arts acknowledges the accomplishments and efforts of the outstanding faculty, staff, and volunteers for 2024.
This Insights Speaker Series features four CLA faculty highlighting international relations through a unique lens.
Dr. Jessie Luna received this year’s Faculty Excellence Teaching Scholar Award from CSU’s Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President. This award recognizes especially notable teaching and learning impact by an early-career professor represented by innovative teaching, course design, curriculum, or other accomplishment that enhances student success. Luna was honored during the Celebrate! Colorado State […]
Dr. Jeni Cross is part of the CSU team that worked with the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado to produce the 2024 Northern Colorado Intersections: Pursuing Regional Well-Being report that advances the field of creating regenerative, sustainable systems. “This report is the culmination of more than a year of work, including numerous community stakeholder meetings […]