Associate Professor


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Associate Professor
  • Concentration:

    • Economic Sociology
    • Political Economy
    • Inequality
    • Development
    • Labor Policy
    • Quantitative Methods
    • Computational Social Science
    • Finance
  • Department:

    • Sociology
  • Education:

    • Ph.D. & M.A. - University of California, Riverside
    • B.A. & B.S. - University of Wyoming
  • Curriculum Vitae:


Anthony (Tony) Roberts is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Colorado State University. He primarily specializes in studying the impact of economic development and globalization on income inequality and labor regulation in developed and less-developed countries. More broadly, he is interested in examining how developmental processes and the global fragmentation of manufacturing affects the distribution of income, wealth, and social services and induces the reform of labor legislation, policy, and regulation. His research has been published in Social Forces, Socio-Economic Review, Research in Social Stratification & Mobility, Sociology of DevelopmentInternational Journal of Comparative Sociology, and International Review of Modern Sociology.


Anthony Roberts, Emma Casey, and Baylee Hodges. 2024. “Financialization & Top Incomes in Emerging Economies: A Comparative Distributional Analysis of the Financial Wage Premium in the BRIC.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 65(3): 355–377.

Anthony Roberts and Brendan Brundage. 2023. “The Decline of International Income Inequality? Cross-National Income Convergence Revisited.” Sociology of Development 9(4): 408-432.

Anthony Roberts and Thai Binh Tran. 2023. “The Globalization of Production, National Labor Regulation, and Income Inequality in the Global North & South.” Global Networks 23(4): 687-714.

Jonathan Turner and Anthony Roberts. 2023. Inter-Societal Dynamics: Toward a General Theory. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-12447-1

Anthony Roberts and Severin Mangold. 2023. "The Inequality Trap & Willingness-to-Pay for Environmental Protections: The Contextual Effect of Income Inequality on Affluence & Trust." The Sociological Quarterly 64(1): 91-122.

Anthony Roberts and Roy Kwon. 2022. “The Structure of Financial Systems and Top Incomes in Advanced Economies: A Comparative Distributional Analysis of the Financial Wage Premium.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 77.

Anthony Roberts and Luoman Bao. 2021. “Financialization and Wage Inequality in China, 1988-2013: A Distributional Analysis of the Financial Wage Premium.” Sociology of Development 7(4).

Anthony Roberts. 2021. “The Globalization of Production, Industrial Upgrading, and Collective Labor Rights in the Global South.” Sociology of Development 7(3).

Anthony Roberts and Ron Kwon. 2021. “The Interplay of Female Empowerment and Subjective Beliefs about Women in 51 Countries.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 62(1)

Matthew Mahutga, Michaela Curran, and Anthony Roberts. 2018. “Routine Task Intensity and Offshorability in OECD Countries.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59(2)

Roy Kwon, Anthony Roberts, and Karissa Zingula. 2017. “Whither the Middle Class? Financialization, Labor Institutions, and the Wage Gap between Top- and Middle-Income Earners in Advanced Industrial Societies.” Sociology of Development 3(4)

Anthony Roberts and Roy Kwon. 2017. "Finance, Inequality, and Varieties of Capitalism in Postindustrial Democracies." Socio-Economic Review 15 (1)

Matthew Mahutga, Anthony Roberts, and Ron Kwon. 2017 “The Globalization of Production and Income Inequality in Rich Democracies.” Social Forces 96(1)

Roy Kwon and Anthony Roberts. 2015. “Financialization and Income Inequality in the New Economy: An Exploration of Finance’s Conditional Effects.” Sociology of Development 1(4)

Anthony Roberts. 2014. "Peripheral Accumulation in the World Economy: A Cross-National Analysis of the Informal Economy." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 54(5-6)

Hiroko Inoue, Alexis Alvarez, Kirk Lawrence, Anthony Roberts, Eugene Anderson, and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 2013. "Polity Scale Shifts in World-Systems since the Bronze Age: A Comparative Inventory of Upsweeps and Collapses." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 53(3)

Christopher Chase-Dunn and Anthony Roberts. 2012. "The Structural Crisis of Global Capitalism and the Prospects for World Revolution in the 21st Century." International Review of Modern Sociology 38(2)