M.A. Student


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  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • M.A. Student
  • Concentration:

    • Crime and Deviance
    • Courts
    • Gender
    • Social Justice
    • Economic Sociology
  • Department:

    • Sociology
  • Education:

    • B.A. of Sociology at University of Northern Colorado


Buday is an M.A. student in the Department of Sociology at Colorado State University. Her past research includes the sociology of health, gray divorce, and gender. Buday supported students' conduct processes as a Student Justice while at UNC-Greeley. Her graduate studies will pivot toward crime and deviance, while her current research interests focus on economics, law, and gender.

First Generation Story

Buday is a nontraditional, first-generation Asian American with three adult sons while pursuing her Master's degree. Her mom is from Bangkok, Thailand, and has never attended school. Her belated dad, who had been in the U.S. Air Force for twenty years, obtained his Associate's degree in 1990.