Associate Professor


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Associate Professor
  • Concentration:

    • Green Criminology
    • Environmental Sociology
    • Environmental Policy
    • Crime and Deviance
    • East Asian Studies
  • Department:

    • Sociology
  • Education:

    • Ph.D.


Dr. KuoRay Mao is Associate Professor of Sociology at Colorado State University. As a green criminologist specializing in environmental governance and natural resource management in an illiberal context, he studies the intricate relationship between development, ecological crises, and the global environmental regulatory framework. Recent projects explore how neoliberal governance strategies—like payment for ecosystem services and green/nature-based finance—have evolved into mechanisms of green dispossession and perpetuated social and environmental injustices in regions like China, East Asia, and Latin America. Furthermore, he investigates how environmental degradation and green victimization lead to the emergence of authoritarian environmentalism throughout the Global South. He was awarded the Community Action Research Initiative  Award from the American Sociological Association, the Outstanding Emerging Scholar Award from the Western Social Sciences Association, the Best Journal Article Award from the American Society of Criminology Division on Critical Criminology and Social Justice, the Best Teacher Award from the CSU Alumni Association, and the American Regions Scholar Grant from the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. He has published in journals such as the Journal of Agrarian Change, Society & Natural Resources, Critical Criminology, Frontiers of Earth Science, Journal of Contemporary China, the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, and the International Journal for Crime, Justice, and Social Democracy


  • SOC 559 Green Criminology Graduate

  • SOC 455 Sociology of Law