Prepared For Anything
With a liberal arts education, degree in sociology, and internship experience, you will have learned how to learn. You will leave with a multitude of transferable skills and unique advantages for a wide array of rewarding career paths including program management in multiple sectors, social services, law enforcement and the justice system, policy direction, research, teaching & many more.
Check out the CSU Effect – 3 out of 4 CSU graduates are employed in a field related to their major, and 84% of CSU graduates secured employment or continuing education within 6 months of graduation.
What Can I Do With A Sociology Degree?
Almost anything! Sociologists not only analyze social change, they help society manage it. Sociology provides theoretical frameworks, research methods and communication skills for identifying, implementing and evaluating solutions to complex contemporary social problems.
Employers are looking for creative thinkers with both hard and soft skills. Our alumni tell us they are grateful for having learned how to work effectively in whatever they do and wherever they go.
Rewarding career paths include:
- Program Coordinators
- Policy Analysts
- Operations Directors
- Advocates
- Researchers
- Teachers
Visit CSU’s Career Center for career exploration tools:
Check Out These American Sociological Society (ASA) Career Resources
What Sociologists Do
Jobs, Careers & Sociological Skills
ASA Undergraduate Student Resources
ASA Career Resources for Undergraduates
Considering Graduate School?
If you wish to pursue an advanced education, you will find that a sociology degree equips you for a wide variety of post-graduate programs in the social sciences, law, business, public administration and planning and education.