Anticipate. Collaborate. Innovate.

Sociology at CSU

Our nationally and internationally-renowned Sociology faculty are accessible and committed to doing teaching and research that matter. We prepare our students to effectively examine how broad social structural processes connect and shape individual and group behavior and – simultaneously – how we as individuals together shape and structure broader processes of change.

The challenges facing our world today are increasingly and increasingly global. Our discipline offers the critical analytical, research and communication skills sought by employers looking for people who can successfully navigate complex situations, work in teams and make solid professional contributions to effective solutions. Sociology offers students virtually unlimited opportunities for to make a positive difference.

M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology focusing on Social Change with emphases in:

Environment and Natural Resources
Food, Agriculture and Development
Crime, Law, and Deviance
Social Inequality, Social Justice, and Governance

Research, Outreach & Engagement

Selected Current Faculty Projects & Activities below, click here for more

For Graduate Student Projects, click here

For Undergraduate Projects, click here

Dr. Luna receiving award

Jessie Luna named CSU Provost Teaching Scholar

By Carmen Ruyle Hardy | April 18, 2024

Dr. Jessie Luna received this year’s Faculty Excellence Teaching Scholar Award from CSU’s Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President. This award recognizes especially […]

Fracking wells found in northeast Colorado.

Stephanie Malin, Tara Opsal, Jeff Nowacki, Jeni Cross uphold democracy through procedural justice

By Nicolle McMurray | April 8, 2024

CSU sociology faculty employ procedural justice, an inclusive and deliberate approach to decision-making, as a way to value multiple voices, fair processes, and transparency.

Two rows of people (one sitting and one standing) smiling in front of a blue Montana State University backdrop.

Stephanie Malin’s team partners with EPA, Montana State on new environmental justice resource center

By Carmen Ruyle Hardy | January 19, 2024

The $10 million award will go to establishing the Region 8 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center, serving six states and 28 Tribal nations.