Social Science Research publishes Pat Hastings’ research on Income Inequality and Trust
Although both popular and scholarly accounts have argued that income inequality reduces trust, some recent research has been more skeptical.
Although both popular and scholarly accounts have argued that income inequality reduces trust, some recent research has been more skeptical.
The Rural Sociological Society (RSS) Excellence in Research Award for recognizes excellent scholarship in researching significant rural issues.
Using over a decade of time-use and expenditure data, this paper shows how rising income inequality in the U.S. has the potential to reshape domestic labor and, crucially, inequality in domestic labor, by increasing the ability of the affluent to outsource domestic labor by hiring others to perform it.
Jeni joins a select group of leading industry professionals who will guide the continuous evolution of concepts in the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™), the premier building rating system focusing exclusively on the impacts of buildings on human health and wellness.
Media and research remind us daily of the dire risks of climate change, overfishing, industrial agriculture, freshwater depletion, deforestation, and loss of wildlife. How can we create behaviours that benefit people and the planet?
This summer faculty-led program introduces students to international crime and criminal justice with attention to the Czech Republic.
Dandaneau has been named the next executive director of the Reinvention Collaborative, a CSU associate provost, and a Sociology faculty member.
The CSU sociology professor received the 2018 Presidential Scholarship from the University of Auckland and spent two weeks there in April and May delivering public talks and doing media interviews about his research on food systems.
“The Revitalization and Technological Transformations of Rural Communities: Agricultural Extension, Rural Development, and Agrarian Change in the Developing World” was held in Shanghai June 24-25. This international conference was hosted by the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Shanghai Academy; co-organized by the Center for Rural Environmental and Social Studies, Institute of Sociology, […]
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