Ph.D. student Kellie Alexander presented her research at CSU’s “Research & Assessment Dialogues – Using multi-level assessment to gain understanding, educate, and transform: End Hazing @ CSU” event held in November on campus. The meeting was hosted by Dave McKelfresh in CSU Student Affairs. Kellie presented three research initiatives she has taken part in to assess and understand the state of hazing at CSU, as well as how these projects have informed prevention efforts on campus. Her research endeavors include a quantitative assessment of students, qualitative in-depth interviews with students in various organizations and teams, and a survey of advisors on campus.

Lindsay Sell, Dell Rae Ciaravola and Dr. Jody Donovan also presented. This meeting is part of a 2015 initiative by Blanche Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs, who issued a charge to the Hazing Prevention Workgroup to focus on changing the campus university culture related to hazing. Staff and faculty from Performing Arts, Sociology, Athletics, ROTC, Sport Clubs, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Student Organizations, University Housing, The Student Resolution Center, Title IX, External Relations, and the Dean of Students Office conducted an assessment with students four years ago to identify experiences, attitudes, and behaviors related to hazing. This past year, they surveyed advisors of student organizations. The results of these assessments have greatly informed multi-level initiatives moving forward to EndHazing@CSU!